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GE Turns to Florida’s Veteran Talent to Power its Latest Plants

From Thomas Edison’s incandescent lamp to the Mars Rover, the company has staked its reputation on an unwavering commitment to innovation—always striving to deliver faster, simpler solutions to its customers. For GE Oil & Gas, the company’s fastest- growing industrial segment, that means finding new, sustainable methods of bringing energy to the world in more efficient ways. When success hinges on improving productivity at every step, every business decision must be as strategic as possible. That’s why GE chose Florida for its latest advanced manufacturing facility, where cutting-edge 3-D printers will design, produce and test the next generation of control and safety pressure relief valves for the energy industry. More than just a critical supply chain decision, it’s one of the many reasons GE stands strong as the largest industrial multinational corporation in the world.

A Factory to Fuel the World


Julie Dewane  - 副总裁,全球供应链,GE测量和控制

Julie Dewane - 副总裁,全球供应链,GE测量和控制


在所有网站要求中,寻找具有熟练的位置,多样化的劳动力可能是最重要的。“支持这些高科技制造业工作的正确技能对我们的竞争力至关重要,”德威德说。幸运的是,GE确定了顶级人才的多种来源,国家大型民用退伍军人人口 - 美国第三大的人 - 发挥基本作用。仅拥有几个主要的海军设施和海军陆战队支持设施,杰克逊维尔独自拥有超过50,000名现役和预留成员。平均而言,每年约有3,000名退伍军人过渡到城市的民用劳动力。“佛罗里达州的劳动力仍然是企业的关键优势,”佛罗里达州商务秘书和企业佛罗里达比尔约翰逊总统兼首席执行官。“葛油和天然气等世界领导人正在寻找他们需要成功的高技能人才,建立在国家强大的制造业。”

杰克逊维尔的veteran population provides us with a pipeline to highly skilled workers needed to fuel business growth.

GE测量和控制的全球供应链副总裁Julie Dewane

GE already knew the skills possessed by the area’s veteran population would easily transfer to advanced manufacturing. In 2012, the company won a three- year, $265 million Department of Defense contract to manufacture F/A 18 A-D aircraft engine components at the Fleet Readiness Center Southeast, located at Naval Air Station Jacksonville. “We recognize and value veterans have a unique skill-set, from technical to leadership qualities, which are a natural fit for many roles within the company,” DeWane affirmed. “Jacksonville’s veteran population provides us with a pipeline to highly skilled workers needed to fuel business growth.” The city’s military talent pipeline is representative of what smart manufacturers in search of a well-trained, tech-savvy and disciplined workforce will find throughout the state. Florida hosts 20 major military installations, including three unified combatant commands. The state’s defense system manufacturing industry, ranked second in the nation, illustrates the strategic intersection between military prowess and manufacturing proficiency that has already lured many industrial enterprises to the state.






For any manufacturer, speed to market is a dominant concern. If you’re in the energy business, the repercussions of a delay can be even more extensive. “We’re obsessed with finding solutions for our customers,” said DeWane. “The closer we are to them, the quicker we can anticipate and solve their challenges.” But with customers spanning 120 countries, proximity isn’t always possible, placing the weight on infrastructure to deliver maximum connectivity. Recognized as one of the best in the nation, Florida’s extensive multimodal infrastructure includes 15 deepwater seaports, 19 commercial airports and thousands of miles of road and rail. For GE, Jacksonville’s transportation network crystallized its strategic advantage as a vital global hub. “Jacksonville was a clear choice based on its quick access to ports, local transportation and large, competitive talent,” DeWane added. From its location in Cecil Commerce Center, GE has access to an on-site airport, three major rail lines and a web of arterial highways. Most importantly, it takes less than 30 minutes to deliver finished products to the Jacksonville Port Authority, which contributes to Florida’s combined $162 billion in trade each year.

